We are conducting the largest and most in-depth investigation of the more than 18,000 cruel bullfights that take place in Spain year after year, and which are unfortunately increasing. We want to reveal the millions and millions of euros that the municipalities allocate each year to finance these animal cruelty shows, and we need your help!
Imagine a score of people surrounding and grabbing a bull tied with a rope by the head. They hold it so tightly that it is immobilized against a log to set fire to the archaic structure attached to its horns. They will harass him for an hour, while the bull tries to flee from the huge embers that burn just above his head.
Animal protection organizations in Spain have demanded the annulment of this act because the mistreatment that the bull receives is one of the worst in the country, and it happens in Medinaceli, a small town in Soria. We have demanded from the Medinaceli City Council the suspension of the last fire bull that is still celebrated in this community.
However, did you know that about 2,500 bulls are bolted with fire each year in a large number of Spanish municipalities? and all this with the approval and subsidies of the administrations, despite the fact that this practice involves intense suffering for the bull, a victim of exhaustion, blows, falls, as well as disorientation, fear, anguish ... and sometimes even death.
But that's not all, thousands of other bulls are harassed in confinements through the streets, or tied by the head to force them to run and be exhibited by the people, or they are provoked so that they fall into the sea ... all kinds of aberrations have to suffer the bulls in our country.
At AnimaNaturalis and CAS International, we are conducting the largest and most in-depth investigation of the more than 18,000 cruel bullfights that take place in Spain year after year, and which are unfortunately on the rise. We want to reveal the millions and millions of euros that the municipalities allocate each year to finance these animal cruelty shows, and we need your help!
Through street protests, pressure on politicians, complaints of animal abuse, and bringing to light the largest investigation ever made against this type of spectacle, we are sure that we will be able to end this atrocity. We need to join forces to defeat a powerful enemy.
We need your support
AnimaNaturalis exists because billions of animals suffer at human hands. Because they animals need solutions. Because they deserve someone to speak up for them. Because animals need change. Because at AnimaNaturalis we want to build a fairer world for everyone.
The donations of our supporters are the main source of our funds.