It is very likely that this year 2020 will continue to resonate in our memory for a long time, but at AnimaNaturalis we set out to fill these months with good news and positive projects for animals.
By looking back, we want to highlight all that we have achieved together. We have made this video that tries to summarize in one minute everything that has been achieved this year. It is very much in spite of everything! Soon we will share with you a magazine that we have edited to tell you more and in greater detail.
We do not know what will happen in 2021, but I assure you that there will be unique opportunities that we will not miss and that will mean a real change for many animals.
We owe it to you, who supports us and makes our work possible. But above all we owe it to the animals.
This year is for you and for the animals. Thank you.
We need your support
AnimaNaturalis exists because billions of animals suffer at human hands. Because they animals need solutions. Because they deserve someone to speak up for them. Because animals need change. Because at AnimaNaturalis we want to build a fairer world for everyone.
The donations of our supporters are the main source of our funds.