We uncover the reality of cruel traditions in Spain

We went to Camarles (Tarragona) to witness the return of the fire bulls after the sanitary restrictions.

04 agosto 2021
Camarles, España.

The AnimaNaturalis and CAS International undercover investigation team went to Camarles (Tarragona) to witness the return of the fire bulls after the sanitary restrictions. We were able to record the ordeal animals are subjected to just to satisfy the taste of a handful of people.

The popular festivals and festivities with bulls, which in Catalonia are called correbous, are rejected by the majority of the population, but still take place in around thirty municipalities, especially in the south of Tarragona.

We were able to register several situations that could be reportable and many others that we cannot accept that continue to be considered tradition. "Any sensitive person would close their eyes when witnessing this macabre spectacle", says one of our undecover team. "Our obligation as animal defenders is to be witnesses to this cruelty, because if it continues to go unnoticed by the majority or we accept that the fans continue to hide it, changing the situation these animals live will be very complicated."

Please, support the work of AnimaNaturalis and CAS to end the popular bullfights in Spain. Sign and spread our #BloodFiestas campaign, and if you consider it, become a donor to continuously support our research and the work we do to build a fairer world for all animals.

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AnimaNaturalis exists because billions of animals suffer at human hands. Because they animals need solutions. Because they deserve someone to speak up for them. Because animals need change. Because at AnimaNaturalis we want to build a fairer world for everyone.

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