AnimaNaturalis shows the reality of sow farrowing farms

Months of undercover work to bring to light the truth of factory farms where animals are treated like machines with which to achieve very high production quotas, always to the detriment of their well-being.

08 abril 2022
Madrid, España.

A few weeks ago, AnimaNaturalis presented, a new line of research focused on revealing the living conditions of animals on farms.

Months of undercover work to bring to light the truth of factory farms where animals are treated like machines with which to achieve very high production quotas, always to the detriment of their well-being.

On this occasion, the AnimaNaturalis research team delves into farrowing farms to show the terrible reality that sows and their offspring live in what is the industry standard.

The use of cages that do not allow movement is a common practice on farms

These huge factories subject the animals to movement restrictions, live in a constant regime of extreme overcrowding and prevent the animals from developing their natural behavior.

During gestation and farrowing, 2.5 million sows are confined in individual cages so small that they cannot even turn around. Breeding sows spend almost half of their lives in this type of cage, forced to incessant reproduction cycles. In Sweden, all sow crates (gestation and farrowing crates) have been banned since 1994 and in the United Kingdom since 1999.

AnimaNaturalis believes that it is urgent to carry out profound reforms in the current standard of the animal products industry. All images and videos offered on reflect the reality of farms, they are not exceptional cases or bad practices.

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