The Mayor of Pamplona Joseba Asiron has declared that the question arose in the last session of the council. “all parties including UPN (conservative party), recognized that there is a social debate about bullfighting”, a debate that, in his own opinion, “it’s good”.
“It must exist because we are talking about a controversial tradition”, said the Mayor, who has remarked that he has always maintained that “nowadays the format of the San Fermín is not understood without a bull, but a do understand that this evolution and debate must exist”, saying that the debate “must be in the society” an the institution must be permeable and sensible to the public opinion”.
The mayor has said that he can imagine a celebration where “maybe, by evolution of the society, “corridas” don’t exist”, remarking that is difficult to see the early-morning runs through the streets of Pamplona disappearing, as it is “a mark of identity”.
“I’m talking in city terms, and, by any ways bullfighting will stop this year 2019”, underlined the Mayor Asiron, saying “the social debate does exist, and at some point it must be addressed”
He insisted in the relevance of the topic and that “it is good that a permanent debate on the matter exist, because it exists in the street”.
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