We denounce the serious lack of safety and the presence of minors at the dangerous running of the bulls at El Pilón in Falces

AnimaNaturalis and CAS International denounce the dangerous incidents that occurred during the second running of the bulls at El Pilón in Falces, Navarra. This event, held on the morning of Monday, August 12, once again highlighted the inherent risks for both animals and participants, as well as spectators, including minors whose presence was documented by the organization in blatant violation of safety regulations.

14 agosto 2024
Falces, España.

The latest report by AnimaNaturalis and CAS International strongly condemns the dangerous incidents that occurred during the second running of the bulls at El Pilón in Falces, Navarra. This event, held on the morning of Monday, August 12, once again underscored the inherent risks for both the animals and the participants and spectators, including minors whose presence was documented by the organization in blatant violation of safety regulations.

The running of the bulls at El Pilón, declared a Festival of Tourist Interest in Navarra, is characterized by forcing wild cows and young bulls to descend at high speed along a narrow dirt path bordered by a cliff, a setting that has repeatedly witnessed accidents and tense moments. "It's precisely this that attracts the public, brutalized by seeking morbid curiosity in the pain and suffering of others", noted Aïda Gascón, director of AnimaNaturalis in Spain.

The second running of the bulls, featuring the cattle from Teodoro Vergara, turned into a chaotic and dangerous episode. The cows, terrified by the crowd, returned to the pen up to seven times before finally being forced to run along the cliffside path. "The fear of running down that narrow dirt path was so intense that two young bulls lagged behind, despite being goaded by the handlers", Gascón recounted. In an especially concerning incident, one of the cows fell off a ravine and spent several minutes attempting to escape without success, increasing the risk for both herself and the spectators.

AnimaNaturalis and CAS International emphasize that events like the one in Falces are yet another example of the cruelty and inherent danger in popular festivals involving bulls. “Not only are the animals subjected to immense stress and suffering, but human lives are also put at risk, especially when minors are allowed to participate, contravening established safety regulations", stated Gascón.

The organization has documented the presence of children and teenagers at the event, which it considers a grave irresponsibility on the part of the authorities and organizers. This situation is unacceptable and violates regulations intended to protect the physical integrity of minors at such events. The legal team at AnimaNaturalis is evaluating appropriate legal actions to denounce this failure and demand immediate measures to prevent future tragedies.

“It is imperative that these types of events, which not only perpetuate violence against animals but also pose an unacceptable risk to humans, especially the most vulnerable, come to an end”, concluded Gascón.

AnimaNaturalis and CAS International make an urgent call to the relevant authorities to investigate these incidents, sanction those responsible, and commit to enforcing current regulations. Tradition can no longer be used as an excuse for cruelty and negligence.