A bull collapses exhausted after being hit with fire in Medinaceli

The bull, which came out already with a bloody mouth and panting, collapsed after 48 minutes and ended up collapsing. From AnimaNaturalis we denounce the Toro Jubilo organization and request a veterinary report to find out the details about the death of the animal and assess further actions. The municipality and the media celebrate the development of the show "without incidents".

13 noviembre 2022
Medinaceli, España.

AnimaNaturalis and CAS International documented the traditional Toro Jubilo in Medinaceli, Soria at dawn this Saturday. A few minutes before midnight, our team observed how the bull came out of the alley with its tongue sticking out and its mouth bloody. Very agitated, it has tried to resist between loud bellows, which is why it took more than 10 minutes to put the fire on its antlers.

Already engulfed, he has repeatedly lunged into the air and against the ground trying to get rid of the flames, which were falling on his face and back. After 10 minutes of despair for the animal, the balls have been turned off and a thunderous fireworks display has begun. With obvious signs of exhaustion, the bull has continued in the ring for several minutes while some runners jumped into the makeshift arena.

In one of the races, the bull was stuck, for a minute, in the pylon with the wires that it continued to carry on its head. The celebration has ended with the exit of a meek, who intended to guide the bull to enter the corrals again, but it has been useless. The grooms have also tried to guide him to the exit without success, until they have chosen to tie him to the antlers with two ropes. Immediately after, the bull has collapsed.

The participants, in the presence of the press and cameras, quickly surrounded the scene shouting repeatedly "Mobile phones and cameras out!", in an attempt to censor the organization that our team managed to register. Although apparently alive, the animal has not managed to leave the square on its own foot and they have had to drag it. A large police and Civil Guard device has been present to guarantee "that there were no disturbances by any group that is against the party", as declared by the deputy delegate of the Government Miguel Latorre.

The only municipality in Castilla y León that still carries out this modality of embolado bull, has celebrated its development "without incidents", but a very different reading of the event can be made from the perspective of the animal. The media that witnessed the scene also They have evaded reporting the poor conditions in which the animal was found.

“This show is absolute cruelty. Our cameras have been able to record the anguish of the bull at all times, which has tried to flee from its punishers from the first minute, until its body couldn't take it anymore", has condemned Belén González, head of communication for AnimaNaturalis.

El Toro Jubilo is an exception to the regional legislation that requires the slaughter of all cattle used in bullfighting (article 23 of Decree 14/1999, of February 8, which approves the Regulation of Popular Bullfighting of the Community of Castilla y León). Article 5 of the Municipal Ordinance establishes that the Jubilee Bull, "following secular custom, will be pardoned at the end of the celebration".

We have not been able to verify that the bull has survived this year, but from AnimaNaturalis and CAS International we denounce and show our total rejection of the terrible levels of stress and suffering to which bulls are exposed in this type of completely outdated shows.

Help us continue conducting research that reveals the horror of animal festivities.

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