
Granjas Industriales

This is the reality of rabbit farms in Spain

Madrid, España. AnimaNaturalis carried out an undercover investigation into the rabbit meat industry in Spain. The rabbit is the third most raised species for meat in Europe, with about 180 million animals each year... and Spain is the main producer.

Miércoles 4 de mayo de 2022
Salvemos a los Galgos

This is how greyhound racing are in Spain

Barcelona, España. Our team was able to obtain images of a greyhound race organized in Andalusia (Villarrubia, 09/11/2021). Accessing these types of events has never been easy, because they know that they are being targeted, that we are going for them.

Lunes 25 de octubre de 2021

One more year for animals

Barcelona, España. It is very likely that this year 2020 will continue to resonate in our memory for a long time, but at AnimaNaturalis we set out to fill these months with good news and positive projects for animals.

Lunes 4 de enero de 2021
Festejos populares

Let's ban all blood fiestas in Spain!

Barcelona, España. We are conducting the largest and most in-depth investigation of the more than 18,000 cruel bullfights that take place in Spain year after year, and which are unfortunately increasing. We want to reveal the millions and millions of euros that the municipalities allocate each year to finance these animal cruelty shows, and we need your help!

Jueves 8 de octubre de 2020

AnimaNaturalis exposes the cruelty of bullfighting

Esquivias, España. AnimaNaturalis and CAS International have filed a complaint with the sub-delegation of the Government of Toledo for a bullfight that took place on August 21 in the Plaza de Toros de Esquivias (Toledo, Spain).

Lunes 21 de septiembre de 2020

AnimaNaturalis denounces bullfight in Salamanca for endangering public health

Salamanca, España. AnimaNaturalis and CAS International have filed a complaint with the sub-delegation of the Government of Castilla y León in Soria for a bullfighting contest that was held at the beginning of August in the Plaza de Toros La Glorieta de Salamanca, in which the measures were violated prevention against COVID-19.

Jueves 27 de agosto de 2020